
Stuyvesants Town Fountain : Site Study

From 6:15 PM to 8:00 PM

Physical Observations

- Time Factors
Different time create different moods and emotion
Day and Night
6:30 - 7:00 - 10 to 12 people on the bench
- A lot of people walking cross the grass from work and school
- Some seniors on the bench
7:00 - 8:00 - Nearby playground close
- More children playing at the fountain, activities around fountain
- Parents whose came back from work, come out to walk babies and kids
- 5 people on bench, no senior as they went home because of darkness

- Weather factors
Lighting, sunlight
Cold Wind
Water from the fountain

Panoramic View of Stuy town fountain at 6:00 pm
Stuy. town fountain at 7:30 pm
Human Activities
General activities in the space;
- On the phone
- Reading
- Talking to neighbor
- exercise
- Playing (children)
- Resting, relax
- Walking kids and dogs
- Walk pass
- Using internet (free wireless internet on the oval)

- Heavy traffic, popular in the afternoon; urban getaway
- People on Stuy. Town love to be on wheels;
- Kids: scooters, skateboard, rollerblade and heelies shoes
- Parents: babies cradles
- Adults : Large roller luggages, Bicycles
- Security Guards: Golf cart, Rav 4 patrol car
- Senior : trolley, Wheelchairs - Manual & Electronics

- People sit on the edge of fountain ( 1 - 3 mins)
- People sit on the bench and watch at fountain
- Runner/Excercise heavy traffic on the street
- At night people always sit near the light

1) People on benches
- Parents with babies and young kids
- Women with baby and cradle
- Passer by sit down for resting
2) Childern
- Running around the fountain, racing
- Play with water in fountain : walking on the edges, climb to contact with water
- On scooters
- Water noise and children screaming make the space more lively + running footsteps on the pavements

3) Young couples & theirs babies
- 80% of visitors to the space after 6:30
- chat on the cell phone
- reading on bench
- resting on bench

- They run around the fountain to play with childern
- They always have to go grab babies to run into fountain (in control)

4) Business man& women
- just came back from work
- passing by
- sit down rest or chat with friends

5) Senior (old people)
- rest for long time 15 - 30 mins
- Therapy from fountain's noise, relaxed

6) Teenager and young adults
- Pass by but slowly
- chilling
- walking slow

7) Neighborhood gathering
- Mostly parents with young kids